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At what age does puberty begin in boys ?

The process of puberty may be slightly different in every person but it usually starts at a certain age. The process of puberty is quite different in male and female.and getting to know them can be very helpful for parents.

Puberty in boys : 

At the onset of puberty in boys, their height is 5 to 6 cm, later to 7 to 8 cm, and finally increased to more than 10 cm each year. And it usually stops growing after 17 years.

Symptoms of puberty usually begin to appear in boys at the age of 12 and hair begins to grow in the body and sweat starts to increase. Changes in height are related to physical development, meaning that some youths may grow very fast in a few months, and then slow growth develops and muscles begin to form during this process.

Their voices gradually start to get heavier, and at the beginning they sound strange or torn.This is the period when the sound is heavy and loud state and then permanently heavy. The problem of nail acne often occurs in boys at the end of puberty process. Hair grows on the face and may begin to shave. Overall, puberty in boys is completed by 18 years.

In the next article I ,ll share the Puberty process of females. Keep reading. 

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