I saw this for the first time when I visited a friend yesterday She had a couple of thee flickering candles that looked real.
They work on batteries and stay on for hours. I was so impressed that she gave me a couple as a Christmas gift. What she gave me was smaller and they are white.
Whoever invented this it was indeed a wise decision. It can easily replace those zero watt bulbs and I will surely do that.
Have you seen or have these artificial flickering candles?
Very interesting. I also see candles like this for the first time. I would buy them right away.
She had kept one in the crib
Yes, I have a couple of artificial flickering candles in my bedroom.
Do you keep them on the whole night?
I have never seen them before, but they are very interesting. I will keep my eye out for them when I am in the stores.
They could light up any altar