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April 27 Choices 117 Saturday

Let the waiting begin. We are on pins and needles waiting for the surgeon to call. Life is in limbo. Everyone says relax you have no control. I try, but the nightmares come. I am on edge checking to see if he is okay. I sleep no more than an hour at a time. I am simply not good at waiting for the call.

I am working today. So others have to be on their toes. I can’t simply drop everything and answer the call. But I really need to be able to drop everything answer the call.

Oh well, it is what it is and I can only do what I can.

  • Question of

    Do you ever have to be doing two things at the same time?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Are you good at waiting?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Ghostwriter