So Just to review here were my choices.
1. Brush my teeth using the opposite hand I would normally use, to work a different part of my brain.
2. Iron all his pillowcases
3. Send snail mail to someone who hasn’t received something from me in two months.
4. Get out the pedometer and make sure I hit 10,000 before I go to bed.
5. Interval eating.
And this is what I accomplished.
Today I did them all! It was busy, and I am quite tired. It’s also still quite cold. Sub zero temperatures are just no fun!
Had you guessed which ones I would do?
Yes, I guessed that you would get them all done. Congrats!
12-15,000 steps a day wow DocAndersen
If it helps – I am impressed. I do between 12-15,000 steps a day. It can be difficult.