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A Beautiful View of Jallo Park

Jallo Park is located seven kilometers from Lahore towards Wagah Border. The park is built on an area of about 461 acres in 1978. It is one of three parks in Lahore that have wildlife. The other two places are Changa Manga and Lahore Zoo Safari. It is a beautiful park with restaurants, coffee shops and swimming pool. The park also has a beautiful sports complex. In addition there is a beautiful canal for boat enthusiasts and fish hunters. This is a complete theme park that is always the focus of tourists. Tourists visiting Lahore visit the park in every way.

  • Question of 2

    Are there wildlife parks in your city.?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of 2

    Have you ever visited a theme park.?

    • Yes
    • No


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Written by SRShah