
2 in 1 Cinderella ~ Creative Challenge

It’s a topsy turvy doll. I find this kind of doll quite fun to play, hence I made one for my daughter on her 8th birthday last month. 

This wasn’t hard to crochet, but it took me quite some time to figure out how to modify the pattern I found online. Time was spent on a few trials and errors. I didn’t like making the doll hair as well. I tried a few ways to make the hair, at last I just used the simplest way. 

I am glad my daughter likes this Cinderella doll. She’s working on the housework even more efficiently as she told me Cinderella is helping her. Well, it’s a good way to motivate her! 😀


Picture credit:@kaka135

#kaka135poll#kaka135challenge#CreativeChallenge #crochet #doll

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    Did you enjoy the story of Cinderella?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Are you enjoying your play time or free time now?

    • Yes


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Written by kaka135

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