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1/60 sec of Maya's life – Sorry, mom! I can't stop barking!

For some time now there has been a lot of noise in the house. It seems that the prolonged lockdown has warmed my pets’ brains. Kitty is meowing all night asking for attention(is in the heat), while Maya barks all day when Kitty tries to sleep! 

As for me … I’m tired. I haven’t slept all night! I want peace in my house!

“Truth is a good dog; but always beware of barking too close to the heels of an error, lest you get your brains kicked out.” Francis Bacon

  • What can I do to stop her from barking? Do you have any idea?

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What do you think?

Written by Ileana Calotescu



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  1. barking dogs are hard my friend.

    one of the things we tried (worked some) was closing windows. Of course, in the summer that also keeps the place cooler but no fresh air.
    We tried the sonic no barks, but they have to be exactly where the dog is and don’t work. I would reach out to Kim Johnson, she is the master of all things dog training!

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