work in progress (1/2) List item Submitted to "Rose Mage – WIP" Approved by Alex Ledante March 17, 2018, 3:11 am 32 Views 6 Comments Share Tweet Pin She doesn’t have much in the way of a background but then it doesn’t seem like she really needs much more MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Alex Ledante facebook pinterest twitter 6 Comments She appears greatly below the light paths 1 the light showers her with soft pastel hues 1 She definitely needs to remain the focal point. 1 this is my concern as well, but there are plenty of abstract backgrounds which would compliment her, not overwhelm her… Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Guess I just need to give her a few tweaks and then call it a day
this is my concern as well, but there are plenty of abstract backgrounds which would compliment her, not overwhelm her…
She appears greatly below the light paths
the light showers her with soft pastel hues
She definitely needs to remain the focal point.
this is my concern as well, but there are plenty of abstract backgrounds which would compliment her, not overwhelm her…
Guess I just need to give her a few tweaks and then call it a day