This is from the day we got her and she’s being held by our daughter. Cherokee loves to be held, even on her back. That is probably because the woman we got her from had a 4-year-old daughter who would carry the kittens around like rag dolls. In fact, that is why the woman wanted to get rid of the kittens before one of them was killed.
cutie pie kita kats!!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad she is in your home now.
She is clearly very happy about it, too.
Cats often pick up their kittens by the scruff of their neck
Yes and we’ve used that method many times, too. In the case of this picture, my daughter was holding Cherokee in her lap and the reason her hand is where it was is that Cherokee was curious about what the Kindle was, so she wanted to investigate. If she’d been allowed, the picture would have been of her nose only.
Nice image of the kitty named Cherokee.
Even when she was first here, she loved being held and cuddled. She was most unhappy when she wasn’t held.
Cats like humans love to be loved by their owners.
Yes, and many of them can be very demanding about it. Every morning, Cherokee will get into my lap, then lean farther and father back against my arm until she is on her back and I’m basically holding her.
Nice to know that Cherokee likes you a lot. That is a good thing.