Sign that You’ve Arrived at Mission San Miguel Arcangel (1/10)

List item

The scene in the photo above is the first thing many people see as they approach the mission, a sign. In the distance you can see the bell tower. 


  1. How many mission were or still are between you and me? Remember I am right next to San Luis Rey de Francia. I am so glad you chose to post these. I haven’t been to this one.

    • There are six between yours and San Miguel. I don’t think I’ve been to yours, though I’ve been to Capistrano and San Diego. We visited a very small historic church I thought was a mission when we were in the area of Julian or San Diego after we had camped somewhere in that area. (It’s hard remembering back to 1989.) I can’t seem to find it on the mission list. We didn’t get much further in than the cemetery. I don’t think it was open when we were there. Now it’s driving me nuts trying to remember what it was. I’ll have to go back through the old photo albums of that trip.

      • Six, well that makes sense. So it would take about a week to walk up there.
        Okay, now you have me wondering. I can’t remember the small church either. I did spend some time in that graveyard on the hill.. I do need to go back up there soon when it warms up a bit more. If you do find the pictures, post them!
