OshoZen–1st two rows… (3/4)

List item

The first card, first row is about experiencing life by going into nature. The second card is about living the good life. Enjoy your achievement, happiness, vacation and success for the present moment, before it is time to move on or forward to your next endeavor. You need to be adventurous and explore new places, things or ideas to grow.

The first card, second row is about Traveling. It is about enjoying your journey because it is all a process to learn and grow. It is important to just move around, looking for change and new things, new people or new ways. It will be a fun adventure. Be open to accept and embrace anything new and different because it is the change you are looking for, whether new friends or new experiences.  Second card, second row is about creating a new plan or vision to help you move forward, especially if you aren’t sure where to go next or what to do next. The third card, second row is the Breakthrough card, which means by abandoning old limiting ways, you finally broke through blockage or restriction, and ready to move forward.

The card look very bold and dramatic, except for one, which is about relaxing and enjoying the rewards. 

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