Native American Mortar (12/20) List item Submitted to "Saying goodbye to our old park." Approved by Kim_Johnson January 12, 2018, 4:25 pm 44 Views 4 Comments Share Tweet Pin used with a pestle for grinding grains. MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Kim_Johnson 4 Comments Very special mortar thanks 1 I am hoping they moved them… I didn’t want to go down to find out… 1 Wow it just keeps going, so much has been lost. 1 This was a huge camp for the Natives, and you can see why. All that fresh water just a stones throw away.
This was a huge camp for the Natives, and you can see why. All that fresh water just a stones throw away.
Very special mortar thanks
I am hoping they moved them… I didn’t want to go down to find out…
Wow it just keeps going, so much has been lost.
This was a huge camp for the Natives, and you can see why. All that fresh water just a stones throw away.