Ice fall closeup (7/7)

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Submitted to "Timeless in Montana"

This is a closeup of the frozen waterfalls. The chances are excellent that if a person didn’t know that there were waterfalls over this cliff, they wouldn’t even notice the frozen condition of those falls. They appear as mostly gigantic icicles. Some of these are over 30 feet from top to bottom. 

The rock the ice falls is on is a curious mixture. The rock is largely slate and it dates back to a time when the entire area was covered by a shallow sea before the uplift of the Rocky Mountains began. The uplift not only exposed the rock, it is responsible for the tilt that can be seen in the rock, sloping downward from left to right.

Written by Rex Trulove


    • One of the neat things about living in a place with so many mountains is that waterfalls aren’t uncommon here. Most aren’t very spectacular and a lot of them are off the beaten track, but they are there. People often don’t notice them, though, even when they can easily be seen, like this waterfall.

    • It is truly an amazing sight. During the spring thaw, something else happens that is neat to see. As the ice begins to melt, it drips just like it does from an icicle. This continues for some time, then suddenly the ice falls and the waterfall is flowing normally, just like that.

    • They are indeed. Most people don’t even notice them and many of those who see these frozen waterfalls and do notice them have no idea what they are.
