Get High (8/10)

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on nature. Okay so never leave your vehicle open in the desert in Springtime. Bees are looking for a home. During our hike my son says, I am going to the truck to get drinks. While waiting for him it seemed like forever we see him waving his hands and pointing at the truck. We heard there’s a bee in the truck. Annoyed, we yelled back “Okay, well get the drinks and hurry back!” He walks around the truck for another five minutes. By that time I decided to come down off the hill and see what was going on. No reason he couldn’t get the drinks if there was a bee. I had to be hearing him wrong. I get down there and the truck is full of bees. The biggest hive I had ever seen. After lighting a small fire in a container and adding green branches to it, it took about 2 hours to rid the truck of bees. So never leave the vehicle open. Even if you can see it. Lesson learned. 

Written by Kim_Johnson


    • Good question, and a thing you really have to be aware of. We started out at 70 degrees, but once you get into the canon the temps rise. It got to be 90 to 100 by 2pm.