A few days after we got Cherokee, our daughter got Loki. He is about two weeks older but they became pals immediately. They are also playmates. They have almost totally opposite personalities, though. Cherokee has an exceptionally calm demeanor, but she races everywhere she goes. Loki acts like he is continuously nervous, but he walks everywhere he goes.
nice cute dous!!!!!!
That sounds like my two, opposites in every way.
Do your two get along well together?
Little sweeties. Good thing they have each other.
Yes, it is, in a couple of ways. All of the other cats are older, too, and they don’t want to play with kittens. Since Cherokee and Loki are pals, that makes no difference since they have a playmate without pestering one of the other cats and getting smacked for it.
Nice to see they get on well.
We are certainly happy about that. LOL We really didn’t know how they’d react to each other.
Cats like to have friends too.
They do indeed! It is mutual, too.