Cauliflower (11/11)

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Cauliflower is healthy, period. A cupful has 77% of the required vitamin C and is high in folate, vitamin B6, potassium, and manganese. Cauliflower is packed with Omega-3 fatty acids. By the way, cauliflower is also negative calorie.

Written by Rex Trulove


      • I made it into a pizza crust once, and it wasn’t horrible but wouldn’t eat it again. Tried it mashed (homemade and frozen) and couldn’t stand it). There are lots of ways to use it especially in the low carb world.

        • In some of those recipes, like mashed, the cauliflower is often over-cooked, though. That releases the sulfates that are characteristic of the cabbage family, and a lot of people don’t like the taste of sulfate.
