Carrots (6/10) List item Submitted to "10 Vegetables That Are High In Calcium" Approved by Rex Trulove February 2, 2018, 10:28 pm 221 Views 3 Votes 4 Comments Share Tweet Pin Best known for being vitamin A powerhouses, carrots are also high in calcium. A single medium-sized carrot has 20 mg of calcium. MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Rex Trulove 4 Comments Simply love carrots. My friend Bug Bunny taught me to eat them. Love them raw or steamed or grated in salads. 1 I also enjoy them. I use them to make juice, carrot-raisin salad, and even make a carrot stir-fry that is delicious. 1 We all should eat carrots to help our vision, or so they say! 1 Yes, that is because of the vitamin A. One carrot has about half of the amount of vitamin A we need every day. That is enormous.
Simply love carrots. My friend Bug Bunny taught me to eat them. Love them raw or steamed or grated in salads. 1
I also enjoy them. I use them to make juice, carrot-raisin salad, and even make a carrot stir-fry that is delicious. 1
Yes, that is because of the vitamin A. One carrot has about half of the amount of vitamin A we need every day. That is enormous.
Simply love carrots. My friend Bug Bunny taught me to eat them. Love them raw or steamed or grated in salads.
I also enjoy them. I use them to make juice, carrot-raisin salad, and even make a carrot stir-fry that is delicious.
We all should eat carrots to help our vision, or so they say!
Yes, that is because of the vitamin A. One carrot has about half of the amount of vitamin A we need every day. That is enormous.