Broccoli (3/10) List item Submitted to "10 Vegetables That Are High In Calcium" Approved by Rex Trulove February 2, 2018, 10:32 pm 35 Views 4 Votes 2 Comments Share Tweet Pin A cup of broccoli may have 31 calories, but it also contains 43 mg of calcium. Broccoli also supplies quite a bit of vitamin C. MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Rex Trulove 2 Comments Love raw broccoli better than cooked. But I enjoy both of them. 1 Most often, we steam it. We did have a good broccoli crop last year. I fenced it off from the deer. lol
Most often, we steam it. We did have a good broccoli crop last year. I fenced it off from the deer. lol
Love raw broccoli better than cooked. But I enjoy both of them.
Most often, we steam it. We did have a good broccoli crop last year. I fenced it off from the deer. lol