One of my happiest memories is of cooking with my mother. My mother is a great cook. I have to say I learned many things from my mother-in-law, but the one thing I taught her was to have fun with cooking. I learned that from my mother. My grandmother taught me how to make traditional holiday and other foods. My grandfather taught me that you have to be able to cook. My father had me cook on Saturdays for my sister, as he worked many Saturdays as did my mother. But mom, mom always made cooking fun. It isn’t hard to make cooking fun, and I enjoyed cooking with all my family members. But mom and I together was always a unique cooking experience.
One time we decided to make spaghetti, not, from a jar or a box. We decided to go through the entire process. We made our sauce. We made our noodles. And, I remember this part best of all, we made a huge mess. We had cleaned broomsticks and other wood poles in the house so we could dry our pasta. We got flour, pasta bits, and whole egg and oil everywhere in the kitchen. My dad came into the kitchen and turned right around. But we had fun doing that! I don’t think I will ever forget the mess that we made. The food was terrific; we spent many hours making the sauce and the noodles. Everyone loved the food, and mom and I were happy. But we had so much fun making that mess.
It was later when I was in college that mom gave me the highest honor. I didn’t think about what she did at the time. It was work after all. Mom was having a work event out at the mini-farm, and she asked me if I would make Quiche for her coworkers. That was to be the primary thing served that day. I spent the day cooking the Quiche and then was off doing something. I didn’t even think about it; the event mom was hosting. Later I visited mom at her office; three of her coworkers asked for my Quiche recipe. I was so proud. I didn’t think about the gift mom had given me, the trust, and the gift. I do now think about that. Sometimes we forget to say thank you to our parents for giving us the chance to fly.
Thanks, mom!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)