I think, on the visit to Bangkok with just me, I finally understood something my mother had told me for years. That as a parent you have to transition. There is a time when you can tell your child everything. There is a time when your child is young that you control what your child does to a degree. Over their lives that changes. Eventually, your child becomes your friend. My mother is far smarter than I am. It took me a long time to understand what she was telling me.
Friends, are the people you choose to be with. When they are your family as well, that it an incredible combination that is something to cherish. I get it now mom, but it me a few years. The reason I bring this up is that while in Bangkok we visited a Buddhist temple at night. It was a glorious sight, and Miss Hart and my mother were nearer to the car than dad and I. we had a conversation just he and I about life, religion and the passage of time.
It is a conversation that has stuck with me more so now that my father is gone than before. Dad said “I find peace here. I understand the message here.” Those are his exact words, those I suspect are lost to time. But close enough it was sentiment. My father was sharing with me that he was comfortable with Buddhism, but more importantly that he comfortable to Thailand. I know my dad struggled with his demons. We all do. For that moment, and now forever we were able to connect he and I. I treasure that, it is worth more money than the world could ever offer me.
Owh, Doc, above the beautiful pictures that you have displayed here, your story is very touching my heart!
Thank you, Albert, it is a happy and sad story for me to share.
I understand, Coach. Always wish you the best!
The pictures are beautiful, as always! I’ve been to Thailand twice and it was really cool there
Thanks, Gina, your kind words are a gift!
Awesome photos! I’ve always wanted to visit Thailand.
Thanks, Ellie, Thailand is a wonderful place to visit!
Lots of great photos Doc!
Thank Carol! i love taking lots of pictures sometimes I get a good one!
very good nice post love thailand
I love Thailand. I lived there for a year and have been back several times.
Ok. You convinced me. Added to my bucket list.
I have always found it funny that people have bucket lists. Not that they want to do things before leaving this world, rather that we call them bucket lists!