
Wander project greenwood redox!

The wander project today is still wandering far away from home, but still in a place that once was home. There was a time, well 11 years in fact that Greenwood Indiana was home. It seems like that is so long ago now, so far away. But it is true; we once were there. We lived a little bit (about a ½ mile) from my sister’s house (they have sold that house and moved out of Greenwood as well).

Today this is a mix of images from the great snow of 2004. We had moved to Greenwood five years before when the great snow came. Funny, we were in DC for five years when the great snow fell on us there as well. I guess it is something about five years. I will have to look and see if the same thing happened in Cincinnati. I guess the next time we move we will have to make sure it is a place that a great snow is less than 2 inches!

The images are from inside our house or close by the house in our yard. They are of the snowfall which was pretty large overall, about 12-14 inches. It took forever to clear the driveway and get cars out of the garage and onto the street. But that is for another story and another day. For the most part the day after the snow we stayed indoors and waited for the snow to melt. As sure as snow falls it melts! If you are lucky it stays pretty through that process.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. Well, you could look on the bright side. The snow was a way of cleaning the area and making way for the new resident? Nothing like a pool in deep snow. Loved the images. It storms when I move. I mean rain pouring down, thunder lightning high winds you name it. Snow is nice and quiet.

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