M.Q. was not much of an accountant. He didn’t really understand business. He didn’t have a kind of ‘reserve’ just in case something went wrong.
After a year of existence, Staff Writers made up 40% of writers. Members only made up 10%.
As the money earned from articles published by Members went to M.Q. and his friends, and as Staff Writers got 80% of what they earned, M.Q. and his Shills weren’t making the kind of money they were accustomed to.
To rip off the Staff Writers and Writers, M.Q. decided to not let a Writer or Staff Writer know how many hits they got so as to chip away their earnings.
He didn’t realise some writers had their own hit counters and confronted him with the fact they had 13,932 views and the site only listed 9,321.
I was not writing about Virily. I guess the truth has come out. I was writing about a site that went down in 2012 and the entire History of it was shared by one of the Shills. Isn’t if funny I’m writing about Factoidz and you think I’m writing about Virily. What does that say about Virily?
This unfortunately happens way too often.
This particular event was detailed by one of his Shills
Too bad about that site, many do go down for similar reasons.
it has paid very well… if you were a staff writer… you got paid
Was MQ a beginner………… ?
He’d never run a writing site before… so he wasn’t certain.