
Online Friend – 4

Over the months, Worf became my best friend.

That is, the best friend of Andromeda.  ‘She’ was ten years younger than I and unmarried.

I never mix real life with cyberspace. I always invent an avatar replete with her own email address. I never use my own photograph or anything to connect that avatar to this woman who is sitting at this computer waiting for Annoying Boss to crawl out of his office.

As far as Worf knew I lived in ‘the country’ and had twenty dogs and spent my days writing articles for online publications.

What I knew of Worf was that he lived in the ‘city’ and did research for some major corporation. Hence both of us had cogent reasons why we were online during the working day.

We began to share bits of ourselves which happened outside of the  message board. I was always careful to ‘rephrase’.

If I had an argument with my husband and was proven right, I would turn that into an argument with a neighbour.

Andromeda was only me inside.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar