You’ve heard a lot of scary things about the Dark Web. They are True.
However, the same way they can be used for evil, they can be used for good.
For example; if you were to Google one of the terrorist organisations,you might wind up on a ‘watch list’. That’s why you use the Dark Web.
You just want to know who and what they are. You don’t want to be answering questions and proving that you are not into their evil.
You want to Bank Online but don’t want to be tracked.
You use Tors.
You can bank online and you are safe.
Another thing you want to know about safety is not to open any email you don’t recognise.
When you have two different Malware programmes on your computer, if one doesn’t catch the malware, the other does.
Change your malware detectors every month or so.
Some are not compatible so you have to find those which can work together.And find the Free Ones.
There are many free ones.