
How Online Writing Sites Destroy Themselves – 4

Another method of how writing sites destroy themselves comes with the ‘up/down’. This is my term for sites which go down periodically. No explanation just down.

In some cases gets an error message, then retries and gets a page, but can not log on. Maybe the writer tries again an hour later, maybe uses a different browser. Sometimes the site hangs, sometimes it won’t load; name it, it does it.

The user assumes  ‘what is wrong with MY connection?’ and may believe the difficulty is on his or her end.

This is what the Owners of the site want.

When Admin can’t manage the site; whether they can’t pay the writers, (because they are stealing the money for their own pockets, or are just so scattered they couldn’t run a lemonade stand) or have other issues, they make it difficult for users to log on.

If the users are allowed to log on, then they will have difficulty contributing.

This is NOT a glitch. This is a deliberate plan of the Owners or Admin to prevent a writer being able to gain revenue.

If you can’t publish an article, you can’t earn from it. Hence the site ‘goes down for ‘maintenance’ … it goes down to cut down revenue.

Some tricky sites  let the user log on, even compose an article. But it won’t let the article be saved or published. Thus, wasting the user’s time, swallowing the users contribution.

This is not ‘one of those things’; this is a deliberate attempt by the Owners/Admin to prevent users from contributing. Why?


Many Owners/Admin are dishonest. They set up a writing site to Rip Off users. That is the purpose.   The Rip Off. And these ‘tricks’ are part of it.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar