
Belief Kills/Belief Cures – Part 2

A decade ago, Triond Forums was one of those must be places.

At the time everyone who wrote online was there. The majority of regular participants often became a repulsion of Trolls in the Forums, so lurking was a fine way to get the latest trends without being a target.

.One of the ‘writers’ (I’ll call MN) had concocted a story about the suicide of a very famous actor and had gotten over 1 Million hits in a two week period. (1c per 10 hits was the value of the day).

This item that went viril, as it is said, was netting this man thousands of dollars.

The main discussion in the Forum was what to do to challenge that chap’s brilliance. A crew decided to create something called ‘The Whitehouse Insider’.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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