
Belief Cures/Belief Kills – Part III

A totally fabricated story was published by Triond.

Now the point one needs to emphasise is that when MN concocted the story about the suicide of a famous actor, he did so not merely with tongue in cheek, but sprinkled enough clues to warn anyone who read it that it was a spoof.

Yet people read it, believed it, commented on it, and he was raking in money, for he not only was paid by Triond, but Adsense.

Others in Triond Forum discussed the item, and decided to find something that would top his spoof.

It was 2008 and Barack Obama had just won the American election, and the racists were fuming. Those on Triond who realised the use of this invented a pile of anti-Obama rubbish and to give credence to their rubbish,  pretend to work at the Whitehouse and reveal all sorts of nasty things about him.

This was another hit.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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