
Belief Kills/Belief Cures – 16

In 2015 youths living in Macedonia wanted to find a MacGuffin they could use to gain hits. Whether they had followed the ‘White House Insider’ or had read the findings of LM’s ‘macguffin’,  they set about finding there own.

As Adsense pays in U.S. dollars and as the rate of exchange was One Dinar to 2c U.S. getting $20 US was a Thousand Dollars of their money.

It is not difficult to make $20 US with Adsense. Even if they pay 1c per 10 views, an item which gains a million views a week would make $1000 U.S. dollars a week.

The ‘MacGuffin’ they chose were  pro-Trump anti-Clinton articles.

They created sites which seemed legitimate news outlets. These were on those ‘get a free site’ servers. They gave their websites serious names and copied the layouts of legitimate news services.

An I.P. check would turn up that a site with that name was in Macedonia which would, of course, destroy all credibility, but most people don’t even know how to do an I.P check.

And this is what they counted on.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar