
Belief Kills/Belief Cures – 11

As an experiment, LM decided to create a false article, based on previous invented items. The ‘coming out’ of a virtually unknown actor was useful.

If the actor objected, the site would remove the article. The  experiment was more to prove that people believed what they read on the Internet and did not do any fact checking; not the article, not the site it was posted on.

The second part of the experiment was to b) Not Network the item.

LM wanted simply to see how many people might accidentally come across the item and what they would do.

LM wanted to know if a reader would read the item and then network it.

The item sat on Triond for over a month, getting a few hits, then suddenly it became rather popular and there were many comments made by readers.

Some comments were hysterical fan guff, others were gay bashing, a few were the kind of normal response a person not under medication might make.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar