Safari was developed by Apple. It was to be a Mac product, and the default on OS X.
In June 2007 a version of Safari which would operate on Windows was released. This continued for a few years. In 2012 the last Windows friendly version was put on the market.
It isn’t a bad Browser, but not very strong or fast or good. .
Opera was actually ‘born’ in 1995. It was always there, but no one saw it. Think of it, a Browser that was available since 1995 that no one knows of.
Today, it only has 1.8% of the Market. The best it ever did was 2.8% in April of 2011.
I have found it lightening fast, it doesn’t crash, it doesn’t load with all kinds of crap, it just works. No frills.
Sure it’s the wallflower of the dance. So it isn’t going to attract many hackers or crackers.