Sunday in Mariposa County, The Detweiller Fire started and in the past couple of days it has jumped to 20 k plus acres and only five percent containment, thankfully due to Calfire I have heard of no injuries, but my lungs are certainly feeling the effects of the smoke.

I was hoping to go Berry Picking with Little Miss like we did last Summer, but right now the air quality is just to bad, so all who pray I ask you pray for protection of the firefighters and other personnel who are called to protect us.
We are located about thirty miles from the fires location, and already I’am being reminded of The Rim Fire in 2013!

The bottom image was taken in August of 2016 the first two were taken yesterday.
i love
Shit. .. I guess you know the routine, pack the car, fill you bathtub with water, in case you stay and have no power. Rim fire still sends chills…
We are okay but since the Rim Fire I keep a go bag packed!
Earlier today I saw the news of the evacuations and my heart sank. Hope you remain safe and out of harms way.
I am okay we have opened an evacuation center up here, thankfully I’m in Sonora which is about 30 miles from Mariposa.