
Love ItLove It

Some woke up to Easter Baskets on Easter Sunday. I woke up to this!

My molly fish had babies! 

A LOT OF babies…. I had to get them out of the big tank, as the other fish would eat them, and I can’t stand for that to happen. 

So, I lost count.. I was netting about 6-10 in each scoop, and probably scooped about 10 times. Now, I had to think quickly… What to do with all the tiny fry, but other small fish tank is already at its maximum capacity. 

I went online.. DIY fish tanks…. What did I have in the garage to hold water… I had a task.. 

After about 5 minutes, I had it. The old cooler… I had an extra heater, and filter from upgrading in the past. 

I took out some water out of each tank and filled the cooler to about half way. Added, living plants, hooked it all up and added snails, and the fry. The plants and snails will help clean the water naturally, and keeping mosquitoes from laying eggs. 

I will share pictures after it gets established. 

I hope you had a great weekend. 

#1 About the size of my thumb nail.

#3 The other one involved.

The other male. 

The guy at the fish place said to me.. Get these, they are super hardy and fun to watch. They do give live birth but its at night, the other fish eat them before you wake. Okay.  

But that did not happen.  I can see a big pond in the back in the near future. 😉 

    • I have an L shaped yard. The long part of the L is 40′ wide and 60′ long, maybe 75. The shorter part of the L is the walkway from the back gate to the back yard. It’s only about 15′ wide. I was thinking an above the ground waterfall type pond. And then where to put it… lol This will be a fun thing to do though, and I do have a lot of time on my hands. 😉


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Written by Kim_Johnson


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