
It's a Beautiful Thing

I am not truly sure how it’s all going to play out and still I have a theme today. My beautiful autumn quote is not beautiful right now. It’s in black and white. It gets the message across and still it’s not beautiful.  This is what an idea or plan looks like. It’s pretty black and white and more of an idea than a finished product.  And this is the way my day begins, a second time. (Don’t know why my husband wanted to get up at midnight and do the laundry, but that is what he wanted, so that that is what we did.) (Well, we washed it and then he was tired and said we needed to go back to bed.)

Anyway ~ my goal today is to let go of things and make it a beautiful thing. It’s pretty abstract. I am certain if you care to stop by and visits some posts later today it will make much more sense.  If it’s not something that interests you, no worries, move on.

When autumn comes to where I live things get bare.  It’s time to let go of things and move forward. This means thoughts that are not beneficial, physical things that are not needed, and ideas that no longer have a place.

I don’t know how it will all work and come together, and still when you embrace nature things seem to work out better.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter