This phenomenon occurs once a year.Tisa Flover, s is a watery insect that once used to be found in other rivers of Europe, but today it is only in Tisa(Vojvodina,Srebia). And the less in Hungary, and much more in Serbia.Except in Serbia on Tisa, there is only one in China on the river Yang Ceng Yang.Insect lives in the sludge at the bottom of the river for three years.After that, they appear above the river and fly in swarms extends their species.This is actually a wedding dance in which the male and female mate, and after the fertilization and laying of eggs, the first male, and then the female, dies.More millions of fertilized eggs begin a new three-year development cycle.It only takes a few hours.

Nice post. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for commenting Anamika.
These dances are so fascinating, amazing phenomenon!!!
Thanks for the comment .. really is fascinating.
nice post thank you very much
Thank you for commenting Snezana.
This is a real magic of nature ..
Oh my goodness, I cannot believe what I am watching. This is so cool. Would love to witness it.
Yes..This is like magic .. but it does not exactly know when it will be ..It happens in June … and it should be there and wait.
Wow it definitely is magic to watch.
That blows my mind- while I am aware of this sort of thing happening in isolation it is extremely rare and I can’t stop thinking what would account for such a displaced phenomenon…
Excellent post, Marija!!!
Thank you very much for comment Brankice. I’m glad is what you like.