The Elk Herd Migration Thru the valley town of Estes Park is like a yearly planned event. Usually occurring in early October, the massive herds funnel thru the town, stopping traffic, and going mostly anywhere they please. These and a few others walked right past me in the parking lot adjacent to this lake. They fear nothing as they wander thru this narrow mountain pass to head into the meadow land of RMNP.
Wow they are enormous, I can only imagine being around them in the wild.
I got within 10′ of these pictured. They are massive!! These were the first elk i had ever encountered.
Amazing, you will never forget that moment!
Thank you! I want to remind people these are Wild Elk! I watched a guy nearly get gored because he was too busy looking thru his massive telephoto lens to notice a group of elk coming across the road at him. By the time he noticed them, he had a 6×6 bull beside him, merely arms length away.
What a great experience and you can plan for it. Awesome!