I have been trying to share this one for a while, but this image is not how I want it.
The Black bird is in a tree trying to hide and it’s yellow beak has given it away. I had a clue when I saw it fly in the tree, if it had stayed where it was I may not have noticed.
For some reason I had problems with sharing recent photos and now I have gone through my files trying to rid the computer of unnecessary photos hoping it would enable to share new photos.
Seems in 2 days of trial and error that I can.
There is no computer help in New Zealand over the phone or a shop. Here like many other places only supermarkets are open or chemists.
Strange our government don’t see that computers and gardens and home appliances are needed and necessary items that need to work. I eat from my garden, it is my food supply in many situations, especially as now you pay $8.00 for a cauliflower in the supermarket. I have been eating our broccoli leaves, which is like cabbage. I did store up frozen goods as well so don’t entirely depend on the garden now, but looks like with expenses, may have to. Lockdown may go to 6 weeks or even longer but its needed.
I think if you extended supermarket buying rules to garden centres, computer stores and hardware stores, people can stay safe if they wear mask, gloves and stay within 1-2 metres away from each other, people can be safe.
Thanks Tasartcraft, glad you like it.
This is a picture that is difficult to take. Congratulations Pam.
great shot, sorry you have had trouble uploading. I don’t think it is your computer, we’ve been having site issues the past few days.
i love the picture!
Thanks Doc, I got this computer in 2014 and often wonder if its OK but seems to work alright. I have recently gone through some old files and got rid of some old photos that are not really important. Constant work ..
computers get slower as they get older.
There are a lot of variables sadly, in why they are slower!
Yes and they get up graded continually. Thanks Doc.
oh yeah, they are always either out of date, old or two generations ago!
Who can miss that yellow beak – indeed a give away (lol)
Only too true, maybe the bird did not worry it was so high up from me. Thanks Grace
So sorry Pam. I am hoping this will be over soon for all of us. Love the blackbird photo.
Thanks Carol, the computer has improved to my getting rid of idle photos of no use. Plus, I finished an oil painting today.
Hopefully this will be over soon.
I am sorry to hear about your difficulties and I hope everything goes back to normal soon!
Thanks Ellie I just have to keep the more important photos.