A flock of great white egrets (Ardea alba).
The plumage is pure white, the legs are black, the skin around the eyes is yellow-green and the iris is yellow.
I was lurking an oriole, when I noticed them above me…
In my opinion, they had taken off from a nearby lake.
Beautiful and graceful birds!
Last year I watched them along the Danube Delta…
Amazing birds they are like our white Royal Spoonbills, except the beak is different,
There are Spoonbills here too, but they are mostly off the Black Sea.
Great shot. They are like white fighters in the sky.
They are rare in this part of Bulgaria and I was glad to see them!
Wonderful shot dude , Thank you for sharing
At first I thought of them as White stork…
Great capture of the Egrets in flight!!!!
An absolute coincidence that I saw them!