I am ashamed and embarrassed by the elected officials and their behavior. Sen. Hirono should, as she supports the Green Deal, simply get in her canoe and start rowing back to Hawaii. She had no real questions for Attorney General Barr, she just wanted to spew anger. (It’s interesting that she is sitting is a place marked MR. Booker~ what’s up with that?)
She is sitting next to Senator Richard Brumenthal who said that he fought in the Vietnam War, oops I misspoke. I find it very interstesting that he haggled Attorney General Barr for not remembering something. Brumenthal rememebered something that never happened. Where I am from they call that an outright lie.
Wow, I do remember feeling very strongly about this issue. I still do! I guess no one else really noticed. It is kind of funny to go back through some of these.