
This Doesn't Belong in Middle School

Allow me to remind you that I did not vote for President Trump. I often call him out. I have an entire blog where I write directly to him with my thoughts about what has or hasn’t been done each day.

This was a question on a middle school quiz. Teachers should never encourage or tolerate name calling. Teachers in middle school should never share their political views, that is a parenting responsibility. President Trump should never engage in name calling and bullying.  Every thing about this is simply sad and wrong.

They said the teacher was disciplined. I know that my grandchildren would be removed from that class immediately.

Civility is something that should be expected in middle school. 


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter

One Comment

  1. I cannot fathom why either side would do what they do. I cannot imagine why a teacher would ever think it was ok to insult someone in a quiz.

    I also wonder why we have the issue we have with twitter and name-calling.

    This is why i do not like Private Messages on Virily. Just because of getting called names. I do not ever tolerate any form of bullying. Directed at me, or at anyone else.

    I think I am in the same boat you are. Horrified at this point by both sides.

    Both sides are wrong.