
Love ItLove It

There are Thousands of People on the Planet

I am writing this post about one certain person. This person lives in Coalville, Utah. I respect her privacy and have agreed not to mention her by name. She has a right to privacy. Unless you live in Coalville, Utah and a close friend of mine nothing in this post is not about you. I sure hope that makes it clear. 

I am getting very exhausted with all the things that seem to be coming to a head all at the same time. Calving is currently taking up my nights. I have no idea why more calves are born a night in the dark and cold, but it is a fact. We have to stay on top of things because it really hasn’t warmed here. We don’t want to lose calves.

I would much rather see them drop with a little green grass than the snow we have. However, we need water, so mother nature is in charge. 

My friend has been here for the last three days trying to figure out the whole calving, work, write, play and mixed up life I live. She is not impressed with Virily at all. As you can imagine she is reading and she wants to explain “liable” and all sorts of things to people. 

I keep trying to explain that there a lot of people from different countries and may not even understand what I am writing. Most often when you ask someone to leave you alone, they do. Sometimes they seem to believe that is not the best option. (At this point she would rather pull a calf than be on this site for more than ten minutes.)

I showed her some artwork and she pointed out how dumb I was to not recognize some of the work. Oh well, I will live and learn about many things. She didn’t know how to tag the calf.

It seems fine for a few weeks things settle down and then someone doesn’t get enough attention and it all ramps up again. It might be someone in my home, it could be someone on one of the sites I write on, but eventually, it all ramps up and drama occurs. Most of the time I can chalk it up to the fact that someone needs something. It might be someone needs me to do laundry. It might be that someone finds the needs to prove me wrong and call me a liar so they feel better about themselves (before you get all excited that one is about Bro.)

Tonight the plan is to have a nice dinner. Watch and a movie and check calves all night. While the computer won’t be off because I am waiting for work. I won’t be sitting here defending myself. In fact, I am so over that.  The proof is in the pudding and the settlement and I am just fine. 

My life is better than that. I have great family and friends and I am blessed.

You know I love music You can check it out 


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. Did I miss something? Do you take care of cows? Anyway, life is constantly a challenge. I just finished a major writing project and sent it off with blessings hoping I do not have to revise. Then I immediately put in another job bid and so it goes every day.


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