
The War against COVID-19 and Fight for Our Community

Yes, I am drawing lines in the sand. It’s time to stand up and be counted. There are so many things going wrong in the world genuine friendship and community should be celebrated and help everyone cope.  Give me something to laugh about. Give me some good news and great ideas that I can do for others who are quarantined. Remind me that I am not in this fight alone. Be kind or simply be quiet.

There are so many people we care about here. We talk about you in our daily conversations. You are not just a name on a page. You are a person with feelings, dreams, and ideas. Sure we can all just walk away and that might be your answer. It’s not mine.

I am going to keep going and share, share, share!

#1 COVID-19

It has me stuck in my home. It has me restricted from family members. I can choose to allow it to control my actions. I can choose to be a part of the solution or part of the problem. I can even be a one-man band if that is the only way to make things work. I am not just going to hand my life over. There are people here I care about so I a committed. As long a there is a site with my faithful friends I will be here too.

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#2 Black and White Friday’s Joke of the Day!

Jokes are good. Kim is great, share, share, share

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Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. In the beginning I was all about fighting against the tide. I wanted people to “do the right thing”. Now I realize that there is no right thing in our world. It really has turned into every man for himself. It is even happening in families that were very close and loving in the past.

    I am not sure what the answer is, but I am sure it is no longer black and white. There is a sea of gray out there.

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