
The Evil Neighborhood Can Never Be a Friend to Us

We are all known that neighbors should be loved by us. But then, it depends on what situation should do it. It wasn’t a situation where we need to force ourselves to understand them. It is a chain reaction in dealing with neighbors. If they did good deeds, then they will receive the same gestures. It wasn’t a game that we need to deal with them. It should be done for the people to realize that sensitivity is the key to having a peaceful neighborhood.

There are some signs that evil neighbors do exist. In some instances, we need to deal with them with broadminded attitude. Since these people can never be terminated easily. It always comes along in our life with a different approach of being acquainted with us.

Noisy Ambiance

Some neighbors create noise pollution in the form of a party until in the morning, loud sounds of music in their super bass stereos, chat on the top of their lungs, etc. These are people who cannot control themselves and love to make other lives in misery.

Low-Level Literacy Rate

Some neighbors cannot understand the impact of being evil to others. Whatever the ways of showing the evil side of their behavior, they cannot comprehend it. The low-level literacy is a factor that veil neighbors exist.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

A neighbor with No Manners

Somebody is throwing their trash in your yard, messing up with mailboxes, spitting in front of the house and the like. These are common behaviors of neighbors with no manners at all.

Picking a Fight

Small opinions can be escalated to a big issue or concern. It is sometimes the bad scene for the neighbors to fight back with bitterness. These people kept on picking a fight without any concrete reasons.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

Insensitive to Other Neighbors

The main reason why people cannot go along together is that of insensitivity. They don’t care and continue to mess up with the other people’s lives. This can be corrected if the neighbor knows to accept their faulty behaviors.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

Dealing with evil neighbors needs to be patient. If things are out-of-hand, it should be reported and legal actions should be availed. It can never be stopped if they continued to make your life in misery. We still have a little hope to have a peaceful neighborhood. It shouldn’t be forced to love them but to understand these people.


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Steven Gamboa


  1. Excellent point in this post. Fortunately the neighborhood in Lake Charles is quiet and peaceful with the exceptions of the parties that some tenants like to have at night.

  2. You said it right. No matter how we understand them, but still there is still a problem. It might contradict the golden rule. However, we can still pray for them and try to live normally. c”,)

  3. Love thy neighbor doesn’t apply to some neighborhoods. Sometimes I think moving maybe the only answer. It is sad though! I have good neighbors, and boy am I glad. I try to go by the saying “Live and let Live.” Sometimes that doesn’t work does it?
