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The Dreaded Bloody Nose

There are many reasons that someone could end up with a blood nose. Beside a bump or fall, a dry nose, infections, allergies or more serious conditions like a tumor. Here we will explore some ways that might help to stop the bleeding.

The first step is to calm down. That naturally slows the rate at which bleeding occurs. You can often stop the nosebleed is by gently pinching the nostrils. You want to do it high upon your nostrils and your nose should have enough movement to twitch about.

Some people prefer to try the icing method.  It is important that the ice is wrapped in something. It can help with the clotting.

Once the nosebleed has stopped and has time to clot and repair, you may want to use a saline solution to add moisture to prevent further bleeds.

Make certain you and eating enough foods for vitamin  C.  If you can’t get it in your diet you should consult with your doctor.


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Written by Ghostwriter