Sam began an affair with Selena before his divorce was even on the docket. To publicise his relationship, he posted a lot of images to Facebook.
This wasn’t Daddy and the kids at the Park, Daddy eating an ice cream, or Daddy going to work, and a photo of he and Selena at a club with others. This was image after image of Sam, down and dirty, rub a dub dance, with a woman who looked as if she had a cash register on her bed.
As Sam worked for a serious company, a company which had clients who did their background checks on the persons they dealt with, they found the images upsetting. Who wanted to rely on a man who could be involved with such a female, much less post images of the most salacious salsa dance moves?
Some decided to remove their business and when questioned, admitted their concerns. The managers, who had put up with Sam decided to cancel his six month contract.
Sam was called into the office and informed. He became livid and burst into an office, his voice at top volume. When he had shut up, (with security near at hand) he was told; “This behaviour is why.”
Instead of finishing out the contract he was escorted from the building. His accrued pay and whatever benefits he might have had were included in the final pay check that was hand delivered that evening to his parent’s house.
Roberta heard about the performance. She knew about the Facebook posts because her lawyer had found them and was going to present them in Court to prove the adulterer in this relationship was not Roberta but Sam.