
Possibilities of encountering a scorpion in Dallas Texas

With a trip to Dallas Texas coming up, I wanted to get as much information on the city that I can. Information such as its tourist attractions, food, and um, the chances of encountering a scorpion of all things. With that being said, I asked thirteen Quora users what is the possibility of encountering a scorpion in the Dallas Texas area and these are the responses I got.

Lawrence Eads, former Retired at Taylor Publishing Company (1962-2000) – “Growing up in Austin I encountered a lot of scorpions in my first 25 years. After moving to the Dallas area some 55+ years ago I’ve seen one or two. Possibly because I no longer run around barefoot outdoors, which is an excellent way to find one.”

Scott Dismukes, former Head Instructor and Chief Bottle Washer (1998-2018) – “When we moved into our first 2 houses i north central Texas (both new construction), there were farm fields torn up to build the houses. We had scorpions in both early on. The third house we bought (also new construction) was in an established neighborhood. I think the only reason that lot was still available was it was #13. Unlucky number to many. We saw no scorpions in that house as the neighbors had already been using pesticides on their yards, and the original scorpion habitat was long gone. We lived in 3 houses in that town, over a span of 40 years. Now that we are out in the country, scorpions are pretty routine. They are small and stay away from the house – I see them in the fields and sometimes in the tractor shed. To my knowledge no one – not even the dogs – have ever been stung by one.”

Richard Butler, former Police Sergeant at Dallas Police Department (1982-2011) – “You have a very good chance. We lived in a stone house for a year off Ferguson Road in the 1960s when I was growing up. We had lots of problems with scorpions. I now live in rural Hunt County about 30 miles from Dallas. We occasionally see small scorpions here.”

Wesley Archuleta, Senior Operations Analyst at Vision works (2013-present) – “You have a pretty good chance of encountering a scorpion in the Dallas Texas area. Especially in areas where construction is occurring as that disturbs their natural habitat and the enter homes seeking to escape. Fortunately, however the stings from Texas scorpions produce only moderate reactions in most people because the poison has little effect on the nervous system.”

Bo Baker, Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitut (1978-present) – “They love wood piles. yes, Scorpions are quite prevalent in all of Texas. Although, they are less frequently encountered in the highly populated areas due mostly to pest control poisons. But, if you live near a wooded area, it would be no surprise to run into one.”

Mikie Stasso, Seeker of truth an stuff at AAB Remediation Consultants (1963-present) – “I think the possibility would be high. Anything i know, or have learned about scorpions tells me that Texas is THE ideal place to be if you are a scorpion…”

Paula Darling Tanner, Reliability Analyst at Energy Transfer Partners (2004-present) – “If you’re in the city, probably not too great. If you venture into the outdoors, then very possible. Here’s the deal… scorpion stings in Texas are the equivalent of a bee sting. Nothing to panic about. Take an antihistamine and move along.”

John P. Scallan, former SW Engineer, Corporate Engineering Mgr. at Motorola (1986-2009) – “The chances are pretty good. all of Texas is in the range of scorpions in the US. They like dark and warm places. Check your shoes before you put them on in the morning.”

Nikki Pere, lives in Dallas, TX – “Well I’ve lived in Dallas for almost 5 and a half years. I’ve never encountered a scorpion here. (Knock wood that will not be changing anytime soon).”

Tom Jacob, lives in Texas – “Except for two years, I have lived in the Dallas area since 1977 and have never seen a scorpion, I know that they are around, but I’ve never heard anyone consider them a real problem.”

Stephen M Hatcher, lives in Dallas, TX – “I have lived in the Dallas area all my life and have never seen a scorpion. Austin has them everywhere. Dallas, not so much. I think you’ll be okay.”

Mike Donnell, former 25 Years Managing and Owning Restaurants – “In urban and established suburban Dallas, they are very rare — out in the growing ‘burbs and rural areas they can be found. I have seen one here in 20 years (living in developed suburbs) and that was in a graveyard.”

Damon Howze, Cosmetologist (1973-present) – “Very small.”

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Written by Thomas Gouard

Im a military veteran; a full-time college student, and a fitness addict. Fueled by inspiration; God's word; endorphins and laughter!


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