
The Odd Tale of Eric Stern – Part XI

After his first day of work, Eric lay in bed rubbing his stubbly face, unable to believe his luck.

It was as if fate was opening doors and this time, he had the courage to enter. How is it possible for the constrained Eric Stern to jump in a car and drive to an upstate motel,  and be taken for the easy going Jack Morgan? Jack Morgan, the new manager.

Eric  slept well, woke easily at six and went to the lake. He plunged into the frosty water and began to swim as if he were still on the Midwood High team.

It had been too many years since he had swum like this, so he was exhausted when he made it back to land, collapsing on the shore.He must have slept for a few moments, as  the voice came from a distance;

“You really shouldn’t lie in the sun without protection.”

He opened his eyes, and there was a pretty blonde girl not five feet away. Instead of pretending he hadn’t heard or dismissing her remark he replied;

“You’re right.”

“Here, try this.” She said, tossing him a tube.

He didn’t read the label as Eric Stern would do, he used the cream, for Jack was an easy going careless fellow.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar