
Love ItLove It CryCry

Let Me Fix You

My Mom and I were very close and we learned to accept each other just the way we were, but it took time and struggles. I had crooked teeth and she would say, “When you smile I see your crooked teeth,” so I NEVER smile with my mouth open so my teeth show.  I had a mole on my chin and she said “When I look at you I see that great big mole”, so I took a razor blade to my face and cut it out. Now there is just a big scare. I would get ready for school and she would say let me fix you, so I wore only sweatshirts, levis’, and moccosins. You can not wear those wrong. Mom and I were very best friends and we were fine.

Today was taken back to my childhood, when I made those important decisions about letting go of smiles and cutting my face.

I guess I don’t want to be fixed anymore. It hurts.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. mothers mean well but sometimes they don’t think what they say how it can effect
    the person they say things to, but I hope somewhere down the line that you have
    learned how to over look the things she said to change the person you are inside.

    • Carol, I think you misunderstood. I didn’t find it painful. It was simply the way my Mom was. It was her nature. I just solved the problem as I could. What I did find painful is that a stranger thought my eyes need to be improved on and made pretty. So I took the one thing that I had been praised for away, my big beautiful brown eyes. Such is life. Lesson learned.
