A common idiom that is used when someone has a scratchy voice is to say that they have a frog in their throat. This makes sense, right? After all, frogs make scratchy croaking sounds. It might surprise you to learn that the phrase has nothing at all to do with the sound that frogs make.
In the middle ages, they had many medical treatments that we would consider to be exceptionally strange today. One of those had to do with the treatment of throat infections. The treatment was to place a living frog in the patient’s mouth. The belief was that the frog would inhale the cause of the infection and would remove the hoarseness by absorbing it.
The phrase we use today came from that strange medical treatment. You might say that saying that you have a frog in your throat comes from medical treatments. I’d just recommend not telling people which medical treatments those were.
I don’t know about you, but knowing this changes my attitude about having a sore throat and a hoarse, raspy voice. I can think of a number of treatments I’d prefer to take than that one.
Luckily, I am in the modern age now. I do think that some traditional people have the old practices. c”,)
It really wouldn’t surprise me. Some of the old folk medicines actually work, but that isn’t one of them. :))
I do agree with you. I had seen some of these traditional medicines and they do work to certain illnesses. c”,)
Yikes! I will keep my throat condition to myself. 🙂
Those are my sentiments exactly. I’ve eaten fried frog and don’t mind it at all. However, I’m not keen to have a live frog climbing around in my mouth.
I love fried frog legs. Tastes like chicken. 🙂