
INSANE Abandoned Untouched Thrift Store | Computer Still Running!

The team, Ruin Road, have seen some weird places since their first abandoned property and always try and obtain as much information possible to share with their subscribers. The practice, is to get in touch with local police stations, municipal libraries and town planners.

In their many adventures, unlike the archeologists of the past, who removed artifacts from their exploration sites, these modern day explorers remove only digital images and videos.

On their numerous trips, one question is frequently asked by them, which is, why there is such incredible waste of either, clothing, food and secure, safe, accommodation, the latter often standing empty for up to  several years with all utilities like telephones, lights and water, left on.   They have visited parking lots of 1000’s of brand new cars, vacant Hospitals, Resorts, (beds still made) Stocked clothing factories, fully furnished schools, thrift-shops, farms, houses, heck, even small towns!

One such a “crazy” site, is this abandoned, school/thrift-shop of which the location has been purposely withheld, the reason being, that in spite of the dire levels of poverty and unemployment in all of America’s main centers, there are those who watch these videos to target such areas with one thought in mind, and that is to wantonly trash everything in site!

Perhaps, the dozens of governors throughout this remarkable country, should document these areas via local law enforcement and appoint a:

Minister of Resource Re-purposing.

If you enjoyed the article by this writer, and would like to read more, please CLICK HERE


What do you think?


  1. Hello Gary, I’ll bet you’re right about the program. Isn’t it such a terrible waste? My next post is about Dumpster diving. Thanks for visiting my post. Regards, Andre’

  2. Great find. You’d think that the electricity supplier would have cut off the power by now. The computer appears to be running MS-DOS. If it was running Windows, we’d be looking at the Blue Screen of Death.