
Fat Girl – Part V

Joining the Peace Corp I was sent far from home. It was a total culture shock.The place was beautiful, so different from what I had known. Everything was nice except the food was horrible.

However,  I was so busy and useful that I scarcely had time to eat anyway.

The reason I was so busy and useful is that when I killed myself I wanted my folks to be able to brag about all I’d accomplished. Hence I had to accomplish something; create something, organise something.

So not only was I in a strange place, I was a strange person. A person who was driven. A serious hardworking committed person who had no time to feel sorry for herself.

Working so hard, sweating so much, I ruined my clothing. I had to go to town because all my bras had sogged out.

Measurements in Behind the World were in centimeters. I had no idea what size I wore so had to try on everything. I picked a size a bit tight I would wear on the last rung so that it would last a long time, for bras always stretch out.

I also bought new slacks and blouses.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar